I do not have the required proof of ownership (supporting) documents needed to apply for a Georgia title for my vehicle. How can I obtain a Georgia Title?
If you, the vehicle owner, do not have the required proof of ownership (supporting) documents needed to obtain a Georgia title in your name for your vehicle, you may apply for a Georgia title on the basis of a surety bond. To apply, submit the following documents and fees to either your county tax commissioner’s office or to this department’s Motor Vehicle Services Section.
Important: To obtain a Georgia title based on a title bond (surety bond), you, the vehicle owner, must be a legal resident of Georgia and the vehicle must be a vehicle that requires a Georgia title. Click here for a list of vehicles that do and do not require a Georgia title.
A completed DMVS Title/Tag Application, Form MV-1 – This application must be typed, completed on-line and printed, or printed legibly by-hand in blue or black ink, in the vehicle owner’s full legal name and signed by the vehicle owner. If jointly owned, each owner’s full legal name and signature is required. A natural person’s full legal name is their complete name as it appears on their valid Georgia driver’s license or Georgia identification card. For natural persons, enter each owner’s valid Georgia driver’s license or Georgia identification card number in the spaces provided. Click here to view this department’s policy regarding identification and applications for tags and/or titles. This application can be used to apply for both a title and license plate at your county tax commissioner’s office.
A Certificate of Title Bond, Form MV-46, backed by an insurance company licensed to issue surety insurance in the State of Georgia naming the vehicle owner as the principal. In all spaces requiring either the owner’s name or the principal’s name, enter the vehicle owner’s full legal name.
No matter what condition the vehicle is in, the bond must be written in the amount of the average retail value of the vehicle according to values used by this department and established by the Georgia Department of Revenue, Property Tax Division.
The vehicle owner and the agent for the insurance company must sign this form in the designated spaces. If jointly owned, each owner must sign.
All signatures on the bond must be witnessed. The witness should sign in the designated spaces.
A power of attorney authorizing the agent to write the bond on behalf of the insurance company must be attached to the bond.
A completed Certificate of Title Bond Affidavit, Form MV-46A. – This form must be typed, completed on-line and printed or printed legibly by-hand in blue or black ink. The reason the applicant cannot obtain the required ownership (supporting) documents must be recorded on this form (i.e. I lost the original title assigned to me. A replacement title cannot be obtained because the seller has now moved to another state and I do not have his current address.).
The Certificate of Title Bond Affidavit, Form MV-46A, must be completed in the same name as the name shown on the Certificate of Title Bond, Form MV-46. The vehicle owner’s full legal name must be shown on any form and/or application requiring the owner’s name or the principal’s name. If jointly owned, each owner’s full legal name and signature is required.
The signature on this form must be notarized. The notary public must sign, affix their notary seal or stamp and record the date their notary commission expires to this form.
A completed Certification of Inspection by a Duly Constituted Georgia City, County or State Law Enforcement Officer or County Tag, Form T-22B. – This form must be typed, completed on-line and printed, or printed legibly by-hand in blue or black ink and signed. This form must be completed and signed by a Georgia law enforcement officer or a Georgia county tax commissioner or their designed employee after making a visual inspection of your vehicle’s serial plate. The vehicle’s identification number (VIN) on all forms must agree with the identification number on your vehicle’s serial plate. Click on any form name or number on this page to complete it on-line for printing, signing and submission.
Original lien or security interest release, Form T-4, for each lien or security interest shown on the state’s tag and title database that are not released on the vehicle’s title.
Any available ownership papers (e.g. Title, bill of sale, original lien release, etc.)
$10.00 title penalty is due if you, the vehicle owner, fail to apply for a Georgia title in your name within ninety- (90) days of the vehicle’s purchase or transfer date.
$10.00 additional title penalty is due if you previously applied for a Georgia title in your name for this vehicle and your application was returned requesting additional action before title issuance and compliance has not been made within sixty- (60) days of the accompanying letter’s date.
$18.00 title fee.
Pay all fees due in cash, check or money order payable to the office processing your application, Office of the Tax Commissioner or Department of Motor Vehicle Safety. Please do not send cash through the mail! Some counties accept credit cards.
Where to Apply
Apply for your title at either the tax commissioner’s office in the county in Georgia where you reside or at this department’s Motor Vehicle Services Section. If you are applying for a title and a license plate at the same time, you must apply at your county tax commissioner’s office. Click here to view what is needed for registration and license plate issuance.
Save money! Apply for your title and license plate at the same time at your county tax commissioner’s office. Most title applications processed at any of the county tax commissioners’ offices in this state, result in the printing and mailing of the titles by this department’s Motor Vehicle Services Section within three- (3) business days of the county’s entry and approval at no additional charge.
If your vehicle requires a Georgia title, you will be unable to register your vehicle and obtain a Georgia license plate (tag) unless you already have a Georgia title issued in your name for the vehicle or you apply for a title at the time of registration. You have thirty- (30) days from the vehicle’s purchase or transfer date to register and obtain a license plate for your vehicle to avoid being fined if stopped by law enforcement or if your vehicle is involved in an accident. To determine if your vehicle requires a Georgia title, click here.
The title must be applied for within six- (6) months of the bond’s issue date. The minimum acceptable bond amount is $100.00. For verification of the bond amount, the insurance company may call (404) 362-6482 or (404) 362-6483. Certain bond amounts may be obtained from your county tax commissioner’s office.
You cannot obtain a Georgia title on the basis of a surety bond for the following vehicles: